28 October 2009

Lots of good things are happening here. This weekend was such a relief. I was able to spend some much needed time with Travis. We watched a movie and went to breakfast at a great little diner. He surprised me and took me to the fair, and I played my first kickball game (at least the first one that I can remember). The kickball game was kind of a great achievement for me. It really boosted my confidence. No, I didn't score any points, but I kicked the ball and I actually made it to first base once. It was good. Tonight, he is studying and I am watching chick flicks and reading a book. Hooray for me learning how to occupy myself! So...only two and half weeks until we move. I am really excited about the whole thing and the new possibilities before us. But before that, we celebrate Travis' birthday. I am excited about getting to treat him like a king. He deserves it so much! We also have the birthday ball. I found a really great dress for it, so I am happy about that. To think that a year ago, Travis asked me to it before we were even dating. Kind of crazy. We actually started dating before the Ball, but his asking me to the ball jump started everything. Little did I know then, I would marry him! And then a few days after the birthday ball, the movers come... and then we take off on another adventure.


  1. I love my wife even if she is a nerd. I put her nerd-dom to shame.

  2. When are you going to post something new??? We can'ttt wait to see what you have been up to!!!!
