08 September 2011

Winging Banner Tutorial

After posting pictures of Travis' winging banner, I got a lot of wives asking how to make it, so I went to the source. Paige, who originally wrote it up, sent me the PDF for it, so that I could pass it on to you. It's written for Marine colors, but if you are a Navy wife, just trade the red for Navy and the dark yellow, for a lighter yellow and I think it will look just fine.  She included a way to hang it by making a pocket on the back, but I chose to use grommets that I bought for fabric at Hobby Lobby. Either way is great! I also chose to sew on my borders, but using the Wonder Under looks just as good and is much easier, for sure! Paige also mentioned that she would love to see other banners, especially if you change them up a bit. You can post links here in the comments or email them to her. Her email is on the bottom of the PDF.  So here ya go! Let me know if you have any questions!  You can download it and print it from this website.


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