09 May 2011

A labor of love.

Several years ago, my nanny (grandma) gave me a big bag of quilt squares that she had cut up and was getting rid of.  In the bag, there was a quilt started with just two rows completed. Not too long after that, I decided to make that quilt.  Unfortunately, years went by and I had put it aside before I had even really begun.  Last May, Nanny passed away and I started the process of learning how to quilt.  By the end of the Fall, I had it all pieced, but was scared to do the rest.  Once we moved back to Florida and I had a lot of time on my hands, I began to learn more about quilting and soon felt like I knew enough to finish it.  Last weekend, I finally finished the last stitch.  Despite its' many flaws, I am still proud of it and I think Nanny would be too.  I learned a ton along the way and can't wait to start my next one, although I think I am going to wait a bit before starting another one this big.  


  1. Knowing that this was Nanny's start of a quilt brought tears to my eyes. I love the love that it was started with and the love that finished it. I'm proud of you Jennifer. You have grown into an amazing young woman. -- Mom

  2. Thats awesome Jenn...

  3. It's beautiful Jenn! I'm really proud of you! And I agree, I think your Nanny is too! ;)

    ~Chrissy Adams
