This is a face only a mother could love... Well, that's not completely true. Most people fall in love with Jackson. He has been such a wonderful addition to our family. Although he drives me crazy most of the time, I wouldn't trade him for anything. He is great company and usually provides us with endless laughter... like the times when he sets his stuffed pheasant on the windowsill while he watches squirrels and just leaves it there for most of the day. I guess it is a safe spot for a pheasant. Maybe he is in charge of the squirrel watching while Jackson is off doing other dog-like things... like wiping his muddy jowls all over my bedding or current sewing project or chasing his football around the yard. I don't know, but I think it's adorable... just like those floppy jowls when he is sleeping.
Jenn - our little Cockapoo, Purdy, does the exact same thing as Jackson with her Mallard duck toy. She'll set him on the windowsill while she's looking outside, and then leave him there for hours. Cracks us up! I think there's even a pic of it on my blog. If not, I'll put one up! Aren't pups the best??!!! Love reading your blog!!!