28 August 2010

Saturday Adventure

Today, Travis and I both had the day off, so we decided to take a little trip together out to Rockport and then make our way back to town via the ferry and Port Aransas. We first hit up Rockport Market Days. I was surprised at how many tables there were for such a small beach town. There were a few things we really liked, some little wooden ducklings made out of Teak wood and some nice wooden benches. Jackson made a few friends and we left with Kettle corn and freshly squeezed lemonade. Rockport was kind of a quaint town, lots of coastal art galleries. I enjoyed the sea shell shop. After that we took the ferry to Port Aransas and took the pup for a walk on the beach. After a stop at the new Port A Coffee Waves, we headed home. It was a wonderful time together after a full week of work and lots of studying.

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