-Chalkboard: I found a lovely old frame at Goodwill yesterday for only $4 and now I am painting it and going to insert a board painted with chalkboard paint and hang it in my bathroom for the Mr. and I to leave notes to each other. I am super excited about it.
-Chiffon flowers: I have been so jealous of all the chiffon flowers on Etsy and thought I would try my hand at it. Hopefully mine turn out cute and I don't burn the house down when I singe the edges!
-Tea Towels: I have a new stamp of a tea pot that I carved and it is begging to be printed on the material I bought for tea towels, if I ever get around to it.
-Map painting: I am currently in the process of painting a US map for our bedroom wall. I want to insert little notes in all the places we've been and lived... a visual of our little life together and all of our adventures.
-Art: Always on my TO DO list. I have ideas...
So, see what I mean... overwhelmed! But happily so.
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